Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Angie's Fabulous Gourd Creations!

Look what Angie/Farm Mom from the Children in the Corn blog made!

She's the featured guest writer over at Women Not Dabbling in Normal today, and she shared her tutorial on some of her great gourd creations. You'll want to head over and check this out!


Anonymous said...

Awww shucks! *blush* Thanks for giving me an opportunity to do this Robbyn! :)

Anonymous said...

These are fabulous!!!

Brenda Pruitt said...

I've been thinking of planting gourds this year. I absolutely love what was done with them here!

Country Girl said...

I am glad you posted this because I have been waiting for her to do this post and I only peep in at WND like once or week or so. Great idea having her guest post at WND!