
Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Comfrey Demure

(click any picture to enlarge)


  1. Oh man, I want some comfrey!! I had some, but when we moved it didn't survive the move. :(

    I use it in a salve I make for when one of our cows has problems...and would LOVE to grow my own. LOL One of these days I'll find some to try again, hopefully. Your's looks wonderful! :)

  2. Robbyn,
    So nice to know your still here after my long hiatus.:-D
    My comfrey is also blooming. Isn't it attractive?
    They say you can't kill this plant and maybe their right. I put it in a spot where I had trouble growing something (many things) and it's coming on like gang busters since just a month ago. It will soon take over that area. Guess I found the right plant for the spot!

  3. We are growing comfrey for the first time this year, hope ours turns out looking as good as yours does.


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