
Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Continue the Blog?

The pauses here have been getting longer and longer.   I still have things I'd like to write, but am a bit blog-weary at the  moment.   I'm not necessarily planning on pulling the plug, but circumstances behind the scenes here continue to delay a major Hope that's been in the works for two years now...setback after setback.   And until it's resolved, it's not anything I can write about, but that's really on my last nerve now, as it has everything to do with what this blog has been about since I began it.

Any thoughts?  For anyone still reading here, thanks for your patience!  I should have some time to write up the Tiny House posts over the holidays.  Something in me has just wanted some prolonged time away from the computer, and it's been a longer run than my past periodic breaks.

Stay or go?   I'd love to hear whatever you have to say on that subject, especially if you've been at this point yourselves...

I hope your Thanksgiving is WONDERFUL and full of feasting, family and friends!   Ours shall be quiet this  year.  I'm slightly bummed but nevertheless will partake in some kitchen therapy and cook up something warm and decadent for the occasion.  Predictably, good food makes me quite happy :)

So, safely!!!   Eat well!   Take lots of pics  :)


  1. You should do what makes you feel most comfortable. If you don't want to post, then don't! There are enough things in life we are forced to do, without forcing another "duty" on yourself. If blogging isn't fun right now, don't do it. When it begins to sound like fun, come on back. I have you on my Google Reader, so even if you are away for months, when you do make an entry, I'll be aware of it.

  2. I always read your blog, and look forward to your thoughts. We are on very different paths, but we also have some important things in common. I would miss your blog, and finding out, someday, what the future holds for you two, but you need to do what is best for you.

  3. I agree with Donna- you should do what YOU want. Me, I'm happy to wait to hear what you have to say, since it is generally worth hearing. Do what you need, post or not, just don't go completely away forever.
    Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours. May you truly appreciate the blessings you have and that you are to others.

  4. I for one hope you do continue to blog about your journey towards the goal you have set for yourselves.:)

    "When you get into a tight place and everything goes against you, till it seems as though you could not hang on a minute longer, never give up then, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn." ~Harriet Beecher Stowe

  5. I read an article the other day that discussed how to make better choices in the things we choose to focus our attention on. It made a lot of sense to me and I am already making changes in how I spend my time. Continuing the blog or ending it - only you can decide if it is worth the time and energy you spend on it. I wish you luck and peace, whatever you decide.

  6. My posts have been getting thinner too and I keep thinking it is the onset of winter...I don't know whether to keep it up or stop either. I don't have much to say I guess regarding your situation aside from post when you feel like it. I keep all of my blog friends on a rss feed so I see updates when they matter how frequently or infrequently. I don't know if most people do (but they should)

  7. I know just what you mean. There have been times when there was just too much going on, and I could barely function - much less consider something to blog about! And I also understand about the waiting for the "thing" to happen, the wanting to talk about what's happening, but also feeling like it should not be aired publicly.

    I hope you'll continue to blog as the inspiration strikes, and when it does, I'll be here to follow your adventures ;).

  8. I enjoy reading whatever you post, but understand how life is also. Best of luck and keep us posted

  9. If you feel a little blog weary, go ahead and take a break. If you feel like coming back, then we'll be waiting.
    I'm kind of where you're at right now, too. We are still waiting on the day to move onto the farm and in the meantime, I post on other things to keep my blog up.

  10. Donna, Michelle, Judy, Mike, Grace, Warren, Wendy, Melanie, Kelly, Pilgrim....thank you all so much for what you wrote here. One of the main reasons I'm back here when I am is because of specifically you guys, because however poorly I show it, I am really grateful to know you and be a part of this larger community that feels small enough to be personal ...learning from each other, cheering each other on, swapping advice, the bantering and actual friendship as well. On this Thanksgiving day, I'm SO thankful...and am daily as thankful for you and to know you.

    So THANK YOU :) I imagine I'll keep this site up and keep inflicting my opinions upon it for the longer term, just utilizing breaks for some refreshing until I actually have anything worthwhile to say....or just feel like typing some more. Thank you for your generosity and encouragement!

    Eat hearty and hug your loved ones on this great holiday :)


  11. Excellent, that's what I do. When I don't feel like writing anything I just plain don't for a while. Have wonderful Thanksgiving.

    We are having four Thanksgivings this year.:) Micki and I had our own, just the two of us, on Monday. She is off at her parents today and me mine in a little bit. Tomorrow it will be the two of us and the grandson...and Rowdy the dog of course. But like Micki always says, every day is Thanksgiving at our house because we love food so much.:)

  12. My blogging is sporadic as well - depending on what is happening at the house. I love to read your entries and must mirror what those above me say - you need to do what is best for YOU. There is no pressure here and I, for one, am not going anywhere so when you are ready to write, just write. =)

  13. Life gets in the way for all of us at times...and having a big topic that can't be addressed is annoying at the best of times.
    People like you, living in the 'burbs, longing for a larger piece of this earth to properly homestead, doing everything you can to reach inspire me to keep plugging away, keep striving, and to do what I can where I am now.
    I read you regularly for ideas, encouragement, and a sense of "I'm not alone" when so often I feel that I am the only person in the world who wants to spend less than I earn, eat what I grow, make what I need or do without.
    (OK, you and Wendy...;o)

    So, I want to tell you to do what feels best for you...but I also want to say " Stay!!! Keep writing!" ;o)

  14. Well, it has taken me til now to get to the computer and actually read this post, because I'm just not on the computer as often as I used to be. Can't remember the last time I posted on my own blog, but that doesn't mean I've Stopped,
    I've just stopped for now.

    I don't think you should feel any pressure to blog. Like you say, you'll write when you have something you want to say, I'll still be checking in to read.

    Quite frankly, I think it's great that you brought this up. Whatever you decide, at least your readers will know what's going on. (you're on hiatus or you're not coming back.) I find it frustrating when a blog goes silent and you don't know if you're supposed to keep checking back or if you should move on. Because yeah, it's all about me, ha ha.

  15. Annette, reddhead, Irma....well, what can I say but THANK YOU? Maybe it's not realistic to always have something new to report, or some great project. This is real life and we have to roll with the flatline times, too...or the times that at least don't merit headline news. Thank you for a very wonderful thing...being a part of each others' lives across the miles...I so appreciate you and thank you, everyone, for your comments!


Thank you so much for stopping by my blog...I love to hear your thoughts! I can't always respond immediately to the comments, but I do whenever I get a window of opportunity. I read each and every one, and really appreciate my wonderful blog friends. Thank you for your comment! :)