
Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Cell Phone Savings

A few months ago we eliminated my cell phone entirely, which left Jack's (which we both use) and the home land line. We shopped for good deals for those and got what we thought were the best.

Jack's costs us about $50/month...that's the cell phone. Since we only need it for emergencies, but determined that we do NEED it what with the lengthy commute and long distances on interstate without many exits (thinking car trouble, etc), that $50 got re-examined recently.

I found a great deal on a Tracphone where basically we'll save $500/year, which includes the monthly fee, double 800 minutes, and double minutes every time we want to reload additional minutes...good for the life of the phone. Since we're paying for a year up front, it will be 12 months till we have to reactivate it, and we sign no contract. Tracphone has more customers than AT&T and Verizon combined and uses their towers for's not to love? For a year's use it cost us what two and a half months of what Jack's cell phone now costs. To replace his phone (which is worn out) would have cost us $200 for the most basic no-frills one from Verizon, not to mention the monthly cost. We just won't sign contracts for cell phone usage (our personal policy).

So we're pretty happy! Shipping is free, includes the actual phone and charger, and we can transfer his old number over to the new phone. If we don't like the phone, we have 30 days to return it for a full refund.

YAY!! $500 bucks saved for this upcoming year...yay again!


  1. Congrats on the savings! I do not have a cell phone though bought trac phones for my teens. Ronnie's employer supplies him with a cell so when we travel, we remain 'connected'. When I travel to class, the lap top goes with me and the kids and I connect via facebook. lol

  2. Annette, it's funny, I resisted "social networking" sites for so long, but got on facebook after wanting to see some family pics from my sister...I've still be slow on the uptake but probably chat more with my daughter there via emails and such than even by phone sometimes now :)

  3. Wow! That's awesome, and really $500/year is not a insignificant amount of money.

    I don't have a cellphone, either, and when I have to take my girls to dance class, I take my laptop and stay connected to my husband via email - I'm not on facebook and have no plans to "join" ;).

  4. Wendy, I have a laptop I got earlier this do I email from it when it's not hooked up at home? Do you use wi-fi when you're out to email back and forth to your hubby?

  5. i have been using a tracfone for several years and LOVE IT! cheap, works, and gets the job done. i can't believe people will pay more for a fancy phone that does everything.

    my husband called the cable company and knocked off everything but basic channels (we don't really watch it anyhow) and the lower tier internet (still super fast!). we now save $70 per month.

  6. Robbyn, that is how I communicate - hope a wi-fi connection. At the college it is easy, other places it can be challenging as one must find an unsecure connection. I look for a library.

  7. Wowser, $500/yr. That will definately turn heads.

    With the economy the way it's going, every little bit helps...

    Good Job, Thanks for sharing.

  8. That's what we use too, Tracfone. I love it. Only have one spot where it won't work, and that is at my mom's.

  9. I love Tracfone, have never had anything else. I have the double minute card also, but have loaded mine so many times in the past, I don't have to load any time until 2016 and it still stays activated. Of course, if I want to talk on it, I still have to buy minutes when I run out. I just could not see being tied to a contract monthly. Works for me, hoping it will work for you.

  10. Net10 is like the best kept secrt ever. It's a good deal and the phones are really nice. Here's the one I got:


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