
Friday, July 16, 2010

Weekend's Here

I completed my week of CNA training, not counting the next two weeks I'll be going in daily to practice the hands-on skills that have to be performed just-so for the state exam. Most of the skills, we've done once now hands-on, some not (it was a rather large class).

I can't say how delighted I am to be in school again, or maybe just the break from what I was doing before?? The class was great, serious study but also kept congenial and somewhat casual so that it wasn't too intimidating practicing a whole lot of new things among strangers.

There was a Cuban restaurant, actually two, and pops...and Jack was off today and treated me to a quick lunch, homestyle Cuban. We saw a neat sub-tropical garden on the drive home, full of plants still thought of here as ethnic...cassava, calabaza, some sugar cane, papayas, and other things we'll peer at more carefully the next time we happen by it...the calabazas were what caught our eye, spread out like a green blanket mottled with lighter spots (the coloration of the leaves)among some well-trimmed pines. It's the first of its kind we've spotted this close to it :)

We've got sober number-crunching going on. We live frugally, but there are always more ways to do better. One thing we're trying to do better in is not allowing the outgoing money to total the amount we're paying seems a constant juggling act at this point. Some things such as going to the doctor for baseline labs, gasoline, other expenses that add up quickly, have to stay but the errands for this and that make for ugly numbers. Thankfully Jack sees us as a team and keeps us both honest, staring the itemizations in the face together and seeing where we ACTUALLY spend the money.

Slight sigh...

Should I actually say it? Should I actually say that if any of the old Res properties we have for sale would sell, this would be a non-issue? Dare I say the "D" word again??

Debt. The Four letter word that is slow to die.

But we shall vanquish the foe. IF I can stop going to the drug store and such quite as much :)

Happy weekend and shabbat shalom to all...there is so much to thank God for!

We're taking more careful stock of our health, and I did MUCH better this week with our meals, despite a few wobbles. This morning the scales read minus three lbs for the week (for me), so yay!! We're eating a lot of fresh papaya these days, and a bit of plain yogurt now and then...sweet fruits and berries with just a dab of the plain yogurt, drizzled with honey...there's just no better summer dessert :)

Shabbat shalom :)

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