
Tuesday, March 10, 2009


1. Vanna, I'll Take a Clue for 500:
The stress/cleansing herbs and the acai berry supplement were used for three days, Friday through Sunday. I had been feeling progressively worse up to that point, which is why I purchased them. It may have saved me from a hospital trip. I cut back to salads and lean meat or eggs, lemon in water for drinks, and herbal tea. I slept Friday night through Saturday noon a sleep I haven't slept in years...YEARS.

I'll boil down the rest. Making this complete halt and reversal in eating and in adding these herbs saved my bacon (haha, yeah, I know...not your typical Jewish turn of phrase). My body had a crisis over the weekend, which at first I thought was onset flu, maybe as part of the typical "healing crisis" I have when cleansing the yuck. I took more lemon juice and water, kept the liquids coming, but good gosh, I slept almost three, yeah true confession. I simply felt so terrible that's all I could do...NOT normal! (I did manage to read through a 750 page Tom Clancy book during intervals, though, and have some vivid dreams) I lay there thinking "I want chickens, dogs, (continue the list for a few minutes...)...but I don't even feel like walking to the mailbox." Not my greatest moment.

Day Three was yesterday and when I tried to get outside to transplant a few baby plants and run to the library (for more Tom Clancy fix), I felt like crawling back under the covers and willing the world to disappear. At this point, my husband decided this was NOT a normal healing crisis, and we whipped out the blood tester to see my sugar levels. They were off the charts. Which leads me to conclude that they were at least double that three days ago and if I hadn't altered things radically at that point (SO glad I did!) I could be in the hospital right now, or worse.

I've halted the cleansing program till after my sugars normalize, but am keeping the foods really simple and will continue with lots of lemon and water. I'll pick right back up with the supplements when I've had normal readings a few days, since I did really like the benefits and want to see what they do for me in the long term.

And so, my little Lesson to Self is "Robbyn, lay off the stinkin' tortillas, babe!" (banging my head on the keyboard...oh how I love to eat Mexican) Nah, it's not just one thing, but it has been a gradual progression of things, and in the vein of "eating cheap" I've been including more and more starches in my stretch the meals. Well....crud. No more. And that's my little story. I'm not all the way back, but I'm not engaging in 14 hour sleeps any more, either...sheesh!

2. The little rock/crystal deodorant thingy I also bought at the health food store as a deodorant experiment ACTUALLY works! and yes, I'm constitutionally wired to give it a run for its money, but chemicals (especially aluminum) and NO STINK...yay!! That said, it's not an antiperspirant, so if I had to dress-to-impress, it wouldn't be a full solution in these hot climes. But since I don't have to impress anyone (meaning I can endure some sweating), I'll use this since it really does deal with the underarm-odor situation ...and hey, I was a Mitchum girl, Mitchum being the last line of defense for those with overtime underarms.

3. Some of the plants are coming back! The gynura is one of them. I spied two more nasturtiums peeping out from the soil, and I'm transplanting some of the lettuces under the dry brown crispy foliage of the plants that became toast in the freezes, in hopes they'll get chummy, shade the lettuces somewhat till maybe they decide to stage a comeback.

4. We've been talking ferro cement and papercrete, chicken houses, clothesline, drip irrigation, plotting sections of our garden. Still chipping away at all the niggling details of bills and getting out of debt.

5. My housework's abominably behind. The hired help never showed up. <------(hahaha, laughing at this till I hurt) The elves apparently are on extended leave, too...

6. I realized when horizontal for so long, it's been a long time since we had a vacation of any sort (read "stay-cation"). Work right now is much appreciated, though it takes us away from having much time with each other. I'd love a vacation where I'm feeling more "myself" and we can get a breath of fresh air. But for now, the thing is to stay steady. There is a momentum we need to sustain before we can relax it.

7. I need to take care of more 'puter duties and....that's all for now. I think I'll go wash a dish or two. Or three. And so on. Rome wasn't built in a day...



  1. So glad to hear from you but sorry to hear you've been feeling punk. Until recently I didn't realize you have diabetes, and now I'm worried about you. My mom is working as a clinical dietitian (after working in administration for many years), and I hear all the horror stories. That disease can kill you (as you know but obviously ignore sometimes)! Try to view those simple carbs as poison, for that is what they are for you (the rest of us could do without them, too!). Please take care of yourself, friend!

  2. Sorry, in all my concern over your health I forgot to thank you profusely for reviewing the funny "rock deodorant." I've always wondered if they work and didn't want to be gullible and buy a rock to try. If it beats the odor, then I'm getting one! I don't mind the sweat as much as I mind the stink that stays in my clothes and doesn't launder out. I think I'm going to have to just throw away some clothes, because I can't get the underarm odor out of them!

  3. Glad you are feeling a little better, and yeah, that some plants are coming back. Take care of yourself and don't overdo it.

  4. Sorry to hear you haven't been feeling well! I understand the dilemma of trying to eat healthy and cheap too. When the budget gets tight around here my husband wants to live on hotdogs and macaroni and cheese. This is one of the reasons I so want to put in a large vegetable garden this year. Hopefully it will help us to eat healthy and keep our food budget in check. I hope you are feeling 100% soon!

  5. Oh gosh, I could talk your ear off about my constant battle with carbs and hypoglycemia. My paternal grandmother was Type 1, so I really have to watch it.

    The more you remove meat, sugar and caffeine from your diet, the better that crystal deodorant will work! I've been off the aluminum stuff for 10 years now, though I do use it when it's summer and I have to attend a business meeting or social function.

    Feel better soon!!!!! :)

  6. Take care of you...

  7. Just going through some blogs and found yours. Very interesting as I have a daughter who is diabetic. Very hard for her to control as they she is what they call a brittle diabetic. Almost scary at times. I'm not diabetic but am disabled as I have scardosis and circulation problems. Am on oxygen 27/7 but still do many things. Love to read, crochet and cook. I cannot use a gas stove so lucky me we do have electric stove.. Hope to hear from you. Lilly


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