
Wednesday, October 29, 2008


Elsewhere, the country enjoys the turning of the leaves. Here, green is still on the scene...


  1. What beatuiful shades of green. Great photos.
    Green is also strutting her stuff here in my neck of the woods. Had to cover my pineapples cause we had three nights of frost. My cayanne peppers have beautiful shades of green. I think I will make some green sauce with them.

  2. Your greens are delightful. The veins are themselves a work of art via Mother Nature, aren't they?

  3. Beautiful color, great photos

  4. Wow, Robbyn, those photos are fantastic! Greens like that can't be easily reproduced.

  5. what a gorgeous set of photos! i wouldn't mind the set framed and hanging in my living room! wow!

  6. Lemongrass, mmmm, green sauce!

    Brenda...yes, they are! It's neat how with a camera you have an "eye" to single out things normally that would be overlooked

    Anonymous, thank you!

    Shelby, one of my favorite many colors within those colors, too

    Nola, thanks! I'm so enjoying the display

    Jayedee, thanks! As soon as I learn how to print any of them off, they're yours :)


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