
Monday, May 19, 2008

Our Little Green Babies

Here is the latest update on Bucketville...the mints and thymes like it better for now in partial shade. The Yerba Buena is trying to escape The Wall to the next door bucket...

The citrus seem to be doing well, except for the Key Lime. Shown here in one of the Meyer Lemons, with its little green lemons, even on so small a plant!

We didn't have much success so far with the grape starts, except for this one. You go, grape!

Cinnamon Basil...mmmm...

Here's the stevia...we'll be experimenting with it as a natural sugarless sweetener in some things, yay! We won't be giving up honey, though...but we'll see what recipes stevia tastes best in.

Pineapple sage...mmmmm, again! Can't wait to try utilizing these new flavors!

Here's the Feverfew, said to be good for headaches. Might be just the thing to have as a tea when paying the bills! :)

And here is Jack's new toy! He came home with it the other day, having found an unbelievably incredible price on it when he least expected. It is now home to our precious stash of decomposing microbe buffet. The first night we put it outside, we awoke the next morning to find muddy paw prints of...something...maybe a raccoon? They haven't figured out how to turn the handle yet to unlock it.

Most of the plants in Bucketville (our backyard full of plant starts in innumberable 5 gallon buckets) are doing well. Those that aren't are the raspberries and gooseberries, which are straggly and looking haggard on the best of days, no matter what location we move the bucket to. Maybe they don't like being in pots, or maybe Florida is not their favorite vacation spot. I'm very surprised at how well the other plants are doing, though, especially the baby trees and the herbs. Hopefully, by the time we're relocated to land, we'll have a garden-full of transplants, if the present bucket/plant count is any indication!
Till then, I experiment with herbs.
I found an unlikely taste combination I loved the other day.... the Yerba Buena is a strongly-flavored mint, with a taste similar to Spearmint. I had some Yerba Buena leaves that accidentally got mixed in with some spinach leaves I had torn and was quickly sauteeing in a dab of olive oil, a pinch of sea salt, and a dash of onion powder. I have to say the mint took on an entirely different flavor when sauteed, and I'm going to be trying a few experiments with it in sautees...the sort where the veggie is cooked till a bit softer than al dente, but not till completely limp and lifeless.
That's the update for nice that the skies are clear again, and no fire on the horizon!!


  1. MMMmmmm Meyer lemons... (me, making drooling Homer Simpson noise)

  2. Bucketville!! Hilarious!

    We have the suburbs of Bucketville on our back porch. There once can find some tomato plants, peppers, and basil. We also have the mystery plant. I should photograph it and see if any of my readers can figure out what it is. I found it and thought it was too pretty to feed to the chickens.

    So there it grows.

    Watch it be some sort of horrible weed!


  3. mmmmmmmmmmm, pineapple sage, cream cheese and crushed pineapple (well drained) is a yummy spread with crackers.

  4. Ilex, yes, we looooooooooove us some lemons! Can't wait till the years the harvests are a haul!

    Lacy, lol, yes Bucketville would be the bane of our neighbors, if we had very many. Thankfully we don't have many nearby. I'd love to see your mystery plant and see if you have a really exotic new type of poison ivy vine???...heehee

    char, that sounds delicious! I think I'll have to try that soon :)

  5. I think you and Ilex have inspired me. I thing I might be starting a container garden myself!


  6. I bet the raspberries don't like the pots and Wow! am I envious over the citrus tree! How I would love one.
    Stevia---tried it and...not sure. I found a site recently that said most people love it or hate it. Kind of reminds me of the flavor of aspartame so I think I fall closer to the latter. I have never baked with it yet though---just used it in drinks and yogurt.
    Glad you all are o.k.

  7. Love Bucketville! You go girl! I'm thoroughly impressed with all the herbs that you've got going...and the lemons! Wow!
    My family in California has large lemon trees in their back yard but more lemons that they can use, so they let them fall to the ground and rot. That stinks!
    If they were mine, I'd be making lemonaid and tons of lemon bars, pie and selling or giving away the rest.

    I like Stevia. And you don't need much. Can you dry your Stevia and crumble it and jar it? I had no idea it was so easy to grow like that.

    Congrats on the terrific new composter, too!

  8. I love that name - Bucketville. Too cool. Since it's so small, maybe I should try a Meyer lemon in a pot? I don't have a lot of sun in the house in the winter though.

    I grew stevia a couple of years ago. The bees got absolutely hammered on it. They were so drunk that I had to knock them off when I harvested it. Don't really care for the taste, though.


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