
Friday, October 19, 2007

A Kiss of Nectar

I've been having such fun with the new camera! I'm really thankful for all the blessings our Father has sent our way, and am delighted I have a new medium through which to capture the beauty of what is right in our path.

This is a close-up of a Mexican petunia, Ruellia brittoniana, which grows here in Zone 9 uncontrollably unless corralled. I took the picture this morning with The New Little Camera That Can! I can hardly believe the beauty when zooming into a bee's-eye looks like billowing silk, and the colors are magnificent. Can you imagine a job where you zero in on nectar and pollen nestled in backlit glowing jewel-toned flutes of soft yet strong membranes, floating about atop stems like so many hot-air balloons?

The bees today were really loving these flowers, and a hummingbird was glutting on nectar in the depths of its blue trumpet petals. It gives me more reason to pause, listen, watch, and appreciate the worlds that exists in a single square foot of an overrun weedy patch. How many, many more of such worlds there are to find and learn from in days to come, if only I'll stop to really look.

What a gift! I am grateful...

I hope everyone has a restoring day of rest this weekend.

Shabbat shalom!

(Blog closed for next 24 hrs)

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