
Saturday, April 21, 2007

Well, the Blog WAS Closed...

...for shabbat. I hope your evening and day were restful as mine were...I dove into the bedcovers and did not re-emerge for a verrryyyy longgggg time. Ahhhhhhhh :)

I keep promising more to post, and it's there waiting, but hasn't been typed. Good intentions must keep time with my new schedule. Ummmm, or am I just less disciplined and prone to watch the tomatoes grow when I have the chance free moment?

More to report, next time I'm here.

::::::::::::: trip, trap trip, trap:::::::::::::

(the pitter-pat sound I remember being read from The Three Billy Goats Gruff , wow haven't thought of that in years! Must be the sign I need more sleep.....Night for now!)

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