
Friday, March 30, 2007

Grateful Shabbat

I hope your week was wonderful, fulfilling, and vital!

I am grateful for family, friends, the Almighty and His excellent care, freedom, sore muscles, health, newly growing things, birdsong, laughter, loving embraces, warm food, hopes and dreams, the things that got done and the things that didn't. I am thankful for having had another day to wake up and see the wonder that is all around, if only I will stop to see it.

I am thankful for this past week of work, and this night and day of rest, together at home. It is the crown of our week.

I am thankful for those who came before me, who often paid so high a price to walk their path.

To all who come here, this blog is at rest until sundown Saturday night. Have a beautiful and relaxing day! I am so much better for knowing you.

Shabbat Shalom :)

Picture credit& link, from Yad VaShem archives: Shabbat candles being lit in the Warsaw Ghetto

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