
Monday, July 1, 2013

A Wonderful Past Seven Years

This year, Jack and I will have been married nine years. Though they have had their share of challenges and even some setbacks, they have been the best years of our lives. We are grateful to God for all the minutes we've had together, and they simply are going by too fast. I have been blogging since 2007 or before, and my camera came my way shortly thereafter. As I chronicled the beauty around us, it also began to be our pictorial of sorts as the years passed. I deliberately left out most pictures of my family and friends for privacy's sake. But a couple of Jack and Rachel crept in anyway, because my life would not be the same without them. God is my first treasure. They are second only to Him. This is my second attempt to make a video slideshow of pictures. I tried the free program called this time. I'm still working out the bugs, but it fit a lot more pics than the last video did. Somehow it only fit some pics on one vid and the others on the second. Ah well, try try again! :-)
What a Wonderful Past Seven Years by Slidely - Slideshow maker

Wonderful World by Slidely - Slideshow maker


  1. Robbyn,

    I love the video you put together, it's so beautiful. Happy Anniversary my friend!!!
    When you find your soul mate it's like a marriage made in heaven.

    I've found my soul mate with my second marriage, life is good.

  2. Happy Anniversary! Thanks so much for using Slidely and recommending it!

    Please let me know if you encountered any bugs and I'd be happy to help!

    Amit from Slidely

  3. Great video and Happy Anniversary!

    We just started a small community and we'd love for you to stop by if you have a moment!

  4. Hey mom it's me, Rach.

    I come here every so often to read your blog.

    This one was especially nice and made me cry watching the videos.

    You both have come a long way.

    I love you and miss you, I'm so lucky. You are the best mom I could've asked for! :)

  5. Sandy, thank you! You are so right, the right mate makes the hugest difference :)

    PI, you're welcome :)

    Mary, I'm sorry I have not checked out that link yet. I have not been on much due to storms and bad reception, but I shall stop in, thank you for the invite!

    Rachey, you're my JOYYYY and the only reason you and Jack are not in ALL the pics are for privacy issues. You are the JOY of my heart and I'm SO glad you're MY so so proud of you!!! I love you <3 Mom


Thank you so much for stopping by my blog...I love to hear your thoughts! I can't always respond immediately to the comments, but I do whenever I get a window of opportunity. I read each and every one, and really appreciate my wonderful blog friends. Thank you for your comment! :)