
Monday, October 15, 2012

Wildflower Hunting and I Wonder About the Benefits of Iresine diffusa

It's Fall in Florida now and the wild plants have my attention.  It can be overwhelming trying to learn the names of many at a time, so I'm focusing on the ones that catch my attention as I go.  And what better way of attracting attention than being in bloom?

If my identification skills haven't failed me (thanks to Google, but if I'm wrong, please let me know and I stand corrected!), this is the plant called Juba's bush, or Bloodleaf...Iresine diffusa.  I found one site online that cited medicinal uses in Jamaica, but it was nonspecific about the parts used and how to use them.  So I'll be on a hunt for more information.  If you know this plant, please help educate me!

The delicate blooms are what catches the eye at first glance.  I believe these get to about 3 feet in height, if the roadside ones are any indication.  They look delicate and creamy, and dance in the wind.  Again, I can find little to nothing about these plants, so if you know them, help!  :-D

My hunch is that a lot of wild medicinals flourish in areas in which their properites are not only best suited to thrive, but to promote healing of illnesses specific to that particular locale and climate.  Goldenrod is in bloom right now as well, and it is good for many allergy-related issues and kidney support.  I wonder if this one has any similar uses and energetics?

What's blooming in your wild places?


  1. Here in Massachusetts, few plants are still blooming. The native shrub American Witch-hazel (Hamamelis virginiana) is one that has been grabbing my attention.

  2. Josh, do you utilize the witch hazel in a particular way for personal use? I just looked it up and it appears to be in about every growing zone in the U.S....neat!

  3. Robbyn, I don't. But I love being in the forest this time of year near a patch of it flowering.

  4. Hi. Thanks for your blog! I and a friend are wishing to learn more about wildcraft foraging. We live in west central fl... A little north of tampa. I live on 5 acres which is hard hammock and some swamp when it isn't drought. Also have access to large wooded sunny fields, and creek area in back of our property. I am looking through sites to learn more and have added your blog to my favorites. Thanks again.

  5. Josh, it's flowering now? I looked up a picture since I'm not familiar with it and it sort of reminded me of forsythia, and the fall leaves were really pretty. Wow, enjoy the view :)

    Bettejo, do you have your own blog? If so I'd love the link...thank you for adding me to your favorites! You will probably LOVE LOVE LOVE Green Dean's website if you are interested in foraging,and he's right here in Florida, too :-D We're still amateurs at this, so if you find any great Florida foraging sites, I'd love it if you'd share those with us...nice to meet you :-D

  6. Robbyn, it is indeed flowering now. It'll make an appearance on my site in the coming days.


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