
Saturday, September 29, 2012

Herbal Tea Making

What's beautiful, tactile, fragrant, comforting, and healthful?  Handmade herbal mixes.  Today I mixed up a combination I've wanted to try for a long time.  It's more for medicinal than flavor purposes.  As I study herbalism, I tend toward ingredients that are time-honored medicinals, very safe, and mild.

Most infusions, made by pouring boiling water over the right amount of herbs, are best steeped in a non-reactive container such as enamel or glass.  I found just the right container one day for less than a dollar at a local thrift store...a Corning Ware enamel pot for percolating coffee right on the burner (non-electric).  It had a couple pieces missing, but the pot and top were in perfect condition so now it's my faithful mixed herb tea will hold around a quart of water in addition to the loose herbs, which is usually just right.

For a peek at the tea blend I made this time, good for such a range of health benefits, you can hop over to my herb blog at HerbinLiving...

I can't wait to make these from my own garden herbs some day...presently I'm ordering from herb suppliers.  What's up in your teapot these days?

1 comment:

  1. I just gave a quick glance at your other blog, then subbed cuz it looks most interesting!

    Lately I've been drinking hibiscus with cinnamon that after brewing, I send it through the Melita drip coffee I got for hurricane prep. But even though I'm using an additional filter I bought to go into the top basket, I have to add paper filter to keep the cinnamon from going through my tasty Hypertension/Diabetic tea.

    A few hours ago I put Yunnan tea into my Amazon cart because GoutPal posted about it having uric acid lowering properties.

    I finally have a backyard again, so I'm planning to put in a herb spiral so I won't have to worry as much about flooding.

    Cya on your other blog ^_^


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