
Sunday, September 30, 2012

Closer Look Project: Coastalplain Palafox

So far we can't get into our property farther than the front ditch.  Since we are pay-as-we-go folks, that will change as soon as we meet our next couple of goals.  For now, the camera and we are relegated to the roadside.

As I am able to get decent pics of the plants at the Farm, I'll post them here to sort of catalogue what's there and to teach myself the names of the wildflowers and grasses, etc.

This is the Coastalplain Palafox, Palafoxia integrifolia.  The plant is diminuitive and a bloom is only about thumb-sized or less.  I love the camera's ability to capture some macro shots so I can indulge in a closer study without ever having to pick one of the blooms.  The flowers appear as a tiny dot of pink among all the green grasses by the roadside, and there weren't many of these to be found when we were there a few days ago.

Have a great Sunday...and Happy Sukkot to all the tribe out there!

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