
Monday, September 24, 2012


These were found along the roadside at the farm in SW Florida in September.  Some were in full flush and others were a bit played out.  I will write about beautyberries as time allows, since they are said to make a wonderful mosquito and perhaps even flea and tick repellant...said to be safe and effective.  The whole plant has herbal uses.  The berries are edible but flavorless unless made into jelly.  That will be one of my experiments, as will be making the "repellant tea."  Had to share the shots before too many more weeks pass!


  1. I have a little beautyberry I bought at a local nursery. How fun to learn where they are native, and that they are such a useful plant! Will be looking forward to your future posts on them.

  2. thanks, Small Farm Girl and Michelle :)

    Michelle, you can boil the leaves and stems and it's a safe mosquito deterrent for external use, safe on skin and to spray around outdoor seating areas. They also say it's safe for pets and ticks and fleas hate it, though I have not tried it on Kaleb yet. I'd love to see how your plant does!

  3. I love to get information about various herbs and its benefits so I found some great information.Thanks


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