
Friday, June 22, 2012

Rose Gentian, Marsh Pink, Sabatia grandiflora

Hello, beauty!
Clusters of these plants were brightening an overcast and intermittently-rainy day at our stop on an afternoon outing in the countryside.  I love the patterns the wear and tear have made on these petals.

Sabatia grandiflora, rose gentian, or a marsh pink by any other of the first of many wildflowers and plants I hope to identify as time progresses and my camera cooperates.  I found a couple of delightful native Florida wildflower blogs to help me get to know these better:

Treasure Coast Natives


Native Florida Wildflowers

Easy identification features:   Jagged yellow central eye rimmed in red, twisted yellow anthers in its male stage.  Found in marshland perimeters, flatwoods and wet prairies.  An annual.  Very little foliage.

What wildflowers are flirting with pollinators in your neck of the woods?


Additional note as of August 21,2012:  Link on different gentians and their uses --

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