
Monday, July 12, 2010

Coming Up

This week and last are chock full, and I won't be at the computer much.

I do have some pictures I've been deliquent about posting, mostly because of the time involved, since they have to pulled from another computer, blah blah blah because this one still is viral and won't DO anything other than get me onto my webpage and emails...can't upload/download, etc.

Pics to come (still on my memory card awaiting transfer):

1. The clear cutting that our STATE (correction from earlier) saw fit to do "for fire safety" in order to spend some of that stimulus money. No comment.

2. Some great homemade rolls that were a big hit...finally learned the trick of making them golden by turning on the broiler the final one minute (watched every second through the oven window) till perfect. Just in time for my renewed eating resolution NOT TO EAT PROCESSED STARCHES. Timing is everything ;-)

3. A baked fruit-on-the-bottom oatmeal breakfast dish that was great and an indulgent breakfast...and again, will have to await further repetitions when it's a special occasion, since it, too, is having to make way for a renewed push for more raw/fresh fruits and veggies.

4. We're harvesting moringa...more and more-ringa, ha :) We're having to figure out the best means of harvest and preservation, since it dies back in the winter. We're thinking dehydrating/drying it might be best, since we can grind it into a powder for use either as a tea, addition to certain food dishes, or making our own supplement capsules (filling empty gel caps)

More updates to come, just checking in.

I've never been so happy to move on to another job than I have leaving this one, with the one exception maybe (MAYBE) of the two weeks I spent cleaning drapes and steam pressing them in an unairconditioned building IN Florida in the hottest part of the summer. Hard call there. Still think I might be gladder to leave this one... ; -)

I'm taking a class in which we wear scrubs. As harassing as this might sound to the fashion-conscious, I think scrubs are one of the greatest advancements of work wear EVERRRRRR. Getting paid to work in pajamas...the only thing I can think of nearly as nice as the most comfy pair of jeans and softest cotton shirt.

:) Shall be back, with pics and maybe some blather later. I have homework (I am so thrilled to have sick is that?? I miss school a LOT I guess)

Just got done reading Wendy Bound's The Chapel on the Hill, about a family-owned Irish pub on the Hudson. It's the kind of book that makes me sigh with happiness and a tinge of nostalgia, even though I never grew up near an Irish pub or near the Hudson. It's about how people from different walks of life can figure into each other's lives very much as family, and can read the book. It also made me want to take control of my diabetes now and not later.

I love my daughter. It's so interesting watching this child I've known so long as a child now becoming an adult...and how suddenly smarter I am in her eyes the older she becomes?? heh heh

Jack is a rock for me. I want him here for a long, long time. That is fueling my renewed concern that we get healthier now. I go back to the doc in a couple weeks...would like to see if I can make a few changes before then and see if the scale shows a difference. Let's see...

I resolve to stay happy, content, forward-bound and focused on our goals. I also want to have a more deliberate time with God each day, and spend more time in the scriptures. And keep the normality of Home percolating, even if that's just one really good meal a night together. The other stuff can keep morphing as it will, and that's fine. Change CAN be GOOD :)


  1. I have actually seen a lot of that clear cutting being done around here as well (New Hampshire). It looks and feels wrong!

  2. I too am enjoying being in school - though will be done this December. Am looking forward to saying goodbye to this job. *sigh*


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