
Thursday, June 18, 2009

First, We Picked You...

Then we hulled you...

Then we snapped the little tender ones and mixed them in...

Then, I cooked you.
And then we "et" you.
We stood right over the pan and ate you with a spoon till there was NO MORE.
Time to go pick some more!!
Anyone want to come over for some hot cornbread and purple hulls? Bring homegrown tomatoes and little green onions. The iced tea awaits!
(hooray for our first harvest food to eat this year....wooooo!!!)


  1. So yummy! =)Our beans are not yet producing. =/

  2. Yum! I love home-grown, home-cooked food :).

  3. Beautiful, and yes, I want to come!
    We're nowhere near that far along yet, my mouth is watering for that first tomato.

  4. Congratulations! Good for you and the purple hulls!

  5. Some of the finest meals I ever had were right out of the pot.
    Congrats on a wonderful harvest!

  6. We are so looking forward to doing the very same real soon. Love me some crowder peas and cornbread.

  7. Oh my - that looks amazing! My mouth is watering! If I were closer you better believe I'd be headed right over!

    We just enjoyed our first stir fry with pea pods from the garden - yummy!

    Don't you love this time of year?

  8. Annette, our beans flourished a while and then pooped out in the heat. Thankfully the purple hulls made it...I can't wait to see how your beans turn out :)

    Wendy, meeee toooo :)

    Paulette, we didn't plant tomatoes this year, but oh for the day we do...enjoy yours!!

    Michelle, Thanks!! yay!! :)

    Sue, oh man, you're exactly right...and thanks :)

    Duane, you've really got your gardening down pat...I need to learn so much from you about southern gardening! And yes, crowders...yum!

  9. Dina, yes, I do love this time of year! :) For some reason I get a lot more enjoyment cooking those basic good foods much more than I used to...I keep coming back to the ones that are easy, fresh, and adaptable.


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