
Monday, February 9, 2009

Reminder to self...
Here is one of my sunflowers coming up in the lettuces. That's how different I feel sometimes.
I love how my plants nurture me, whether in watching them spring to life, interact with the world around them, shelter other worlds beneath their leaves and roots, or nourish and grace my family's meals.
So very much beauty in so few square inches...
I thank God for the greening of my life through so many ordinary perfections


  1. I know what you are feeling, we are feeling that way too.

  2. Me too. I love this post of yours! And the cute little sunflower in the lettuces really does speak volumes.

  3. What a beautiful analogy, Robbyn. Thanks for sharing.

  4. Lovely, lovely post Robbyn. xoxo

  5. What a gorgeous photo! Love the contrast of the purple and green, just beautiful! Didn't realize we could plant sunflowers already. What is your zone? I'm 9.

    What happened to your previous post, it disappeared? The changes you have made to your life sound so much like mine. We cut out cable last year, found ways to work from home, and went from eating out at least once a day to rarely. What a difference! Not only is our cash flow better, but we're happier, too.

    I'm always amazed at God's ability to provide if you put effort toward living a righteous and self-suffient life. I'm sure you guys will be just fine! (and if not, all of us homesteaders and gardeners will form a commune, and at least we'll eat like kings!)

    I find that I can only have prescription-free health when I cut out meat, dairy, refined sugar and chemicals. When I eat properly, I have the energy of a teenager; otherwise, I'm a broken down old woman.


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