
Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Apologies to the Dreidel Song

I should be celebrating Hanukkah. I'm glad there are eight days. And I'm glad germs and whatnot are not communicable via computer screen.

I can't write inspirationally just now. But I can leave you with this song...or else what's left of it....

Sung to the Dreidel tune.

My little gift to you...

The Extra Strength Cold Medicine Dreidel Song

I have a little dreidel
I made it out of clay
And when it's dry and ready My fever and bronchitis
Then dreidel I shall play! have not yet gone away

chorus:Oh - dreidel, dreidel, dreidel
I made it out of clay
And when it's dry and ready I'm more or less contagious
Then dreidel I shall play! I'll cough the other way

It has a lovely body I want to light the candles
With legs so short and thin but breathing's no delight
And when my dreidel’s tired if I torched my inhaler
It drops and then I win! I'd conflagrate the night


My dreidel’s always playful my stomach's feeling playful
It loves to dance and spin an ache is in my head
A happy game of dreidel I quickly quaff my NyQuil
Come play now, let’s begin! and shuffle off to bed

I knew it....
you can't get the tune out of your head, can you??

Me <--------an ornery little cuss when I don't feel good-- but you can't hit me...I'm sick!!(heh heh)


  1. durn, you're under the weather. Just rest, relax, and stay warm.
    Take care of yourself.

  2. Happy Hanukkah! I hope you are feeling better soon. I too, have had "the crud". I comiserate with you! Here is to a healthy, happy holiday season and a propersous new year! Judy

  3. I have always loved that song.. I will be singing in my I sleep tonite . . 'I made it out of clay... hm hm hm hum hm hm'

  4. Sorry you're feeling poorly, but your song cheered me up.

    Oh, and not only that I got my mail and the best thing there was a delightful holiday card to ME!!!!!

    OK, it was the best thing UNTIL... yeah, I got my Baker Creek Heriloom Seed catalog! :) So you were sooooooo in the running for BEST until then. :)

    Just kidding. Happy holidays my dear friend. Hope you feel better soon.

  5. Brian has a bit of a cold so isn't getting as many holiday treats as he would like; sounds like you have it much worse and I'm sorry to hear that!

  6. Hope you feel better soon. Happy Hanukkah! ~Kim

  7. I love your song!! And hope you are feeling better very soon!

  8. Your version of the dreidel song is really creative! (inspired by the Nyquil?) :) I hope you're feeling lots better soon!!

  9. Hehehehe. I love your "sick" sense of humor, my friend.

    Sending you wishes for a speedy road to health and vitality.

    Hugs for you, too,
    New Mexico

  10. Joanna, all better now, thanks for your well wishes!

    Fullfreezer, thanks, happy holiday!! Oh, I hope youre feeling better now...have a wonderful New Year, Judy!

    Shelby, my daughter loved it too when she was little. And she'd sing it JUST when you thought you'd gotten it out of your head, ha :)

    Meadowlark, yeah, it's hard to compete with Baker Creek Heirloom Seed Catalog...mine will be bronzed soon after I glut myself with new seeds for the upcoming year...havea great new year, my friend!

    Michelle, hope all are well at your house now!

    Kim, I so appreciate you and all your encouragment to us this year...I hope your New Year and year ahead are so full of blessings!

    Maria, I finally am! I hope you 3 and 1/2 are having a wonderful New Year. Thank you for being such a sweet friend across the miles :)

    Wren, oh yes very Nyquil-induced ;-) I hope you have a great New Year!

    Lisa, wow I so hope you are healing and that I don't have to come have a little talk with a certain in-law at your house...let me know if there needs to be a throw-down! ha Take it easy on that knee and kiss your horse for me when you can make it back out there. YOu'll be in my prayers as you heal!


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