
Sunday, July 13, 2008

Raw Milk and SB201

The Fresh Milk Act of 2008

New news from the Weston A. Price Foundation I found in my email box about the next steps for AB201:


We are getting closer to passage of SB201, the Fresh Milk Act of 2008, which will replace AB1735 (the "sneak attack" against raw milk) and guarantee the future of raw milk in California.

We appreciate all your support so far in making calls, which helped the bill pass unanimously out of two committee hearings. The fate of SB201 will have a big impact on raw milk throughout the country so we are sending this action alert to all WAPF members.

Once past the Appropriations Committee, we are expecting a vote by the full California House and Senate before the end of the summer.

Please take a few moments on Monday and Tuesday to make your calls to committee members. SB201 will be heard on Wednesday, July 16 in the Appropriations Committee. With your support we can make it to the Assembly Floor.

Please call the Assembly Members below before Wednesday with this short message: "Please support SB201 this Wednesday July 16th in the Assembly Appropriations Committee." Let's inundate them with calls!

Karen Bass • 916-319-2047

Anna Caballero • 916-319-2028
Mike Davis • 916-319-2048
Warren Furutani • 916-319-2055
Ted Lieu • 916-319-2053
Pedro Nava • 916-319-2035
Jose Solorio • 916-319-2069

Your Calls Have Made a Huge Impact - Thank You and Keep it up!


  1. Robbyn, thanks for keeping us up-to-date on this stuff. I love your food/politics news posts. Thanks!

  2. You're welcome...there are so many issues out there, aren't there? Hey, we can make a difference :)

  3. For a while in Somerset I could get fresh milk straight from the bulk tank on a local farm I used only this & my 9 month old daughter insisted on using it too. bem avoided milk wherever possible & Llyw & s used milkman (pastuerized, delivered) milk. The arrangement was simple ~ I would leave money occasionally for the cow, or the new baby ~ I never BOUGHT the milk which was illegal. The farmer & his wife used the raw milk as did their extended family & all thrived. Annon & I were healthier than the others in my family. Then the milkman got jealous & reported the farm for selling milk. I didn't tell him where I had my little churns filled, but he obviously went a-snooping around the village. In the end, the commercial price paid to the farmer (1/2 of what I happily donated & I was paying way under supermarket prices) was so ridiculous that he got rid of the dairy herd & what was once a big dairy area is now only sheep & beef.

    Here I haven't found a dairy farm to get raw milk & I miss it. My nanny goat refuses to be milked as well, telling me that this isn't dairy country!

    There was a news report ages back in the UK showing just how bad raw milk is, BUT it was scare mongering & didn't involve proper raw milk at all ~ a pastuerizer went down & didn't heat the milk hot enough to kill bacteria, but DID heat it high enough to promote bacterial growth. As it wasn't pastuerized due to a fault it was called "raw", even though it wasn't properly raw. Raw milk is cooled immediately on entering the bulk tank (though I have had milk that has just been collected & it was deliciously warm) & is kept cold until processed.

    Killi on Blogspot


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