
Sunday, July 20, 2008

Garden at Child's Eye View


  1. You have LIMES! LIMES!! You've got to be KIDDING me!!!

    OK. I am officially envious.

    Beautiful photos though. I still can't figure out my macro setting. :)

  2. Oooh, I love all the rich colors.
    What is that purple flower? I thought at first it was a petunia, but the leaves around it aren't petunia leaves...

  3. Do tell, what image editing program do you use? I may have to break down and buy something.

  4. Carolyn, Tina, thanks! I give all the credit to my camera!

    Meadow...exciting, isn't it? I used to live in an area of the country where we couldn't dream of growing citrus, so it's new to me now, too :)

    Danni, maybe that's one of the compensation for the hellish heat here...the flowers do seem very vivid. The blue flower is one I saw a lot of when I moved here to Florida because it can really take punishing heat, drought, etc. It's called a mexican petunia, and it grows in clumps that spread, though not really invasively. They get used here by landscapers a lot to fills in spaces with foliage, and the blooms last all through the summer. We stuck a clump of it on the other side of our shed, and it took it's rampant with flying things, and who can blame them :)

    Meadowlark, when I got my camera, it had a disk to download the pictures onto the computer. The program that displays the raw images is called Canon Zoombrowser EX, and when you click on an individual picture you can press the Edit button and crop the photo or do a couple other simple things. To superimpose text and other stuff over an image, I use my program that was free with my computer. I've only figured out a few simple tweaks so far.

  5. Stunning, absolutely stunning photos! I don't think there's ever been a better portrait-sitter than Mother Nature!

  6. Brenda, I love the feeling of sitting right there being a part of all the different worlds that are going on all around, right in our own backyards :)

  7. These are great pics. I think I will give my kids a camera and see what they can come up with. I know that was nt exactly what you've done, but it is a great idea!

  8. Do you have an EOS? (jealousy reigns!) I want to play with my new Canon, but it's monsoon conditions out there...

    More beautiful pictures.

  9. Mrs K, Plantain Patch...thank you...I have to thank my camera :)

    Warren, that's a really great idea...I hope you post what they shoot!

    Killi, I have a Canon I got on sale in the $200 was hard justifying the expense, but we hit a great sale. It ended up being more when purchasing memory card, case, etc but noooooo it's nowhere in the category as the EOS...nooooo :) It's a canon powershot S3 IS, 6 megapixel (whatever that means!) and 12x zoom. I have pretty good luck just taking the standard picture then using a program to crop them, cropping out anything I dont want to be the focus. Somehow when I do that, it enlarges the pic to seem very up close with great detail, unless I botched the shot in the first place and moved too much and got a blurry shot. Then you can fine tune with the computer program's contrast or other features...if it's not simple, I can't do it! (my camera is much smarter than I am and it'll take me years to really take advantage ofall the neat things it can do)

  10. My IXUS was a 5 mega pix & took really good photos, so the new Canon has a lot to live up to.

    I was lucky in my choice of solicitor for buying this place ~ there were problems with the title, so she put my money on deposit until everything was sorted & then sent me the interest! ~ I used that to buy the camera. I told the man in the shop that I could get the Powershot G9 from an internet computer place for far less than he was selling it & could he reduce the price for cash? In the end for less than his selling price I got the camera, a case, a 1 gig memory card & a multi-battery charger for all Li-on & the nimh AA & AAAs (for my IXUS)& I think I did well. Now to learn how to use it properly! This 1 is 12.1 mega pix (that affects picture quality when the pictures are blown up, rather like the old ISO numbers ~ the lower the number, the better the quality & the bigger the neg, the better the quality for film cameras ~ somewhere I have a Lubitel 120 camera...) I did an AV course as part of my degree & had a brilliant tutor who could explain things like this so I could understand them. I haven't really done any serious photography for years (shortly after I was left paralysed 24 years ago!) & I would like to get back to something more than just cutey pictures of the animals & childer.

    I've not played with ZoomBrowser ~ I downloaded (free) Irfanview & I use that (the people that sold me the IXUS put me on to it). I have another photo software package from Serif that I've never played with & I must. It would be lovely if we could get together & have a camera/software playing week!


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