
Monday, June 30, 2008

This Made Me Smile

A guy, whose main ambition in life has mostly been sitting around playing electronic games, decides to travel somewhere else in the world.

The guy has one goofy dance he dances, and he hams it up on video in different locations during his travels.

He comes home and finds that a company is willing to pay him to take other trips, to do his little dance in other places in the world.

He's contacted by complete strangers who email him after seeing his the first videos of his dancing. They join the dance.

And that's it. I'm not going to analyze makes me smile!


  1. Makes me smile, too.

    I've seen this several times and visited his website, too, even though I know what it is about. I just can't help myself. There is something so joyful and full of freedom in letting go and just dancing for no reason except to dance.

    My only wish is that he'd make those clips a little longer. It's so fun to look a little closer and see all those smiles, laughter and joy...and all those funny dance styles, in each location.

  2. That was pretty cool. Thanks for sharing

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I can't watch YouTube videos with my connection, so can't see him. :( Your description reminded me of an occasion in Yalta when I embarrassed my protector/guide/companion by dancing in the street to an accordionist. I had to stop as something was about to run me down! I've sung in Welsh on a clifftop in Krym, leaving my Ukranian friend in fits of giggles & was asked to sing in the middle of a park in Tula by a Russian poshrat Gypsy. I sang in Kalderash ~ a Gypsy song sung by the members of the Erdenko-Ponomarev tribe & he thought I was singing in English because it wasn't Russian!

    May I link to your blog from my arty-crafty one? Blogger won't let me add any thing else to my blog there

  5. Could you delete 1 of my duplicate posts, please ~ it took ages to post & then did it twice! Thanks

  6. Twin, yes it would be neat if you could see closeups of some of those people's faces :)

    Kelly, neat, eh? :)

    Killi, thanks for your patience...I'm glad your comment went through. I tried to delete the duplicate but I think the problem is on my end of things...I can't delete it now that it's posted...arggh :) Yes, I'd be honored if you'd link from your arts site...can I have the link so I can take a peek at it? Thanks again for y our patience!

  7. I'm not good at links, but here's the URL:

    I'll also sign this from the wordpress id, which may give the link easily.

    On a different note: I moved to a smallholding in Ireland aged 42, but I only own an acre, though I have use of a 1/2 acre field for 11 months of the year & rent land for my horses

  8. I snucked up on the duplicate comment & deleted it whilst it was watching the puppy!

  9. I had forgotten about this guy! It's wonderful seeing someone being so carefree and joyful. My favorite part of the video was when people joined in with his dancing. Something about a lot of people having a great time like that really gives me the warm fuzzies.

  10. Oh....this made me smile and cry. I'm such a sap. This is a wonderful video... :-)
    I sent it to almost everybody I know. Sap. That's me.

  11. Killi, you can do an awful lot with an acre! Congratulations on your move :)

    Green Plan(t), makes me feel warm, too :)

    Mrs K, :)

    Danni, I'm a total sap, too. Have you ever seen the one about the dad who ran the triathlon with his disabled son? Oh my, I was a sea...

  12. Most of my land belongs to the animals, but I'm hoping to make 2 raised beds in my yard to use up dead space there, once the feathered & non-feathered legged chickens, the ducks & goose have been sorted to have containers along the wall that separates the raised area where the cottage is built from the main yard & more on the raised "patio". I really can't do much until the chickens are fenced in though! It's an ongoing project, rather like the house, the moreso since my builder/renovator ran off! The yard in my terminology is just the concreted area in front of the house, a sort of square area bounded by walls & buildings, The muddy areas with plants (mainly grass trees & nettles in most of it)goes by different names depending on which bit I'm referring to. I suppose I ought to put a labelled plan up somewhere to make things clearer. We're on the side of a mountain so there are different levels round the house. I want apple trees & fruit canes/bushes at some point to go with the bramble, elder & rowan we already have. A few fruiting (?nutting) hazles would be good, too as my 1 hazel has no nuts


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