
Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Blogroll Update

Here are some more great ones :)

CoffeeCoffeeCoffee blog...guess what the beverage of choice is?? Another wonderful sustainability blog and kindred spirit!

Sengdroma Farm Estate is located in Canada, and they have (guess what??)....Yaks!!

Dina's Hip Chick Chronicles...a great title for a great blog about a backyard full of chickens :)

Rose's Recipes has a delicious, tantalizing collection of recipes on this blog that'll make you hungry...

I'm sure I've left some other greats I usually (unintentionally!) do. Of course, there'll be more in the future :) It'll take me a day or two to get these linked on my sidebar (again, as usual!) so thank you in advance for your patience!

Hope you enjoy these as much as I do!

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