
Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Thank you!

Just here catching up on my post-crastination, and I want to thank Meg and Kelly for nominating me for this award! What an honor...and since I'm at a loss for words to adequately express it... THANKS :) :)
Every blog name on my side bar could fall into this category, in my opinion, so I pass this along to ALL of them. Is that allowed? Well, here I am, the rebel Excellence!
Seriously, ALL of these blogs are excellent. Try choosing from among them. I cannot!
And so, without further ado...
A Homesteading Neophyte
A Posse Ad Esse
Accidental Smallholder
Apifera Farm
April Showers
Bad Home Cooking
Bean Sprouts
Children in the Corn
Confession of a Pioneer Woman
Cooking With Yiddishe Mama
Cricket Bread
Dancing in a Field of Tansy
Dirt Under My Nails
Down on the Farm
Down to Earth
Edge Effect
Edifice Rex
Farmgirl Fare
Future House Farm
Gracious Acres
Green, Blue, Brown
Homemaking Homesteader
Housepoor, Homesteading, Happy
Irish Dexter Cattle, Cheap Sheep, and More
Irish Sally Gardens
Kentucky Hollers
La Ferme de Sourrou
Little Blog in the Big Woods
Losing Our Shirts, Keeping the Farm
Not Eating Out In NY
Not So Virtual Homestead
Path to Freedom
Permaculture in Brittany
Pile O'Melays
Plan Be
Plants and Animals
Raining Sideways
Scarecrow's Garden
Slowly She Turned
Small Meadow Farm
Smitten Kitchen
Spered Breizh Ouessants
Stop the Ride
Sugar Creek Farm
Talk of Tomatoes
The Beginning Farmer
The Beginning Farmer's Wife
The Country Doctor's Wife
The Good Life
The Soay Sheep Chronicles
Tiny Farm
Two Frog Home
Unusually Unusual Farmchick
Urban Hennery
Each of their links is on my side-bar...
Excellent :)

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Thank you so much for stopping by my blog...I love to hear your thoughts! I can't always respond immediately to the comments, but I do whenever I get a window of opportunity. I read each and every one, and really appreciate my wonderful blog friends. Thank you for your comment! :)