
Thursday, February 21, 2008

Way Late Very Procrastinated No Excuses But Here It Finally Is Blogroll Update!

And now you know why the most important people in my life rarely get birthday cards in time... but I'm becoming convinced they love to see me grovel and writhe in paroxyms of anguish (haha, oh yeah.. ;-)) as a result...but, er, ah...ah well, without further ado, here is the thoroughly belated blogroll. And yes, I've probably left some very important blogs off the list inadvertently, so if you don't see yourself on the sidebar and would like to be, let me know!

All these blogs deserve a better introduction that I am providing. You need to read them, embrace them, love them, as I do! Not that I'm telling you what to do (Like I tell my daughter to finish her spinach... ) These blogs are full course meals AND dessert :) Each one is as unique as its author(s), and far more fun to follow than I can paraphrase here! but I'll try, for once, to compress the description of each into one sentence (expect run-ons)

Future House Farm chicken composter, garden adventures, amazing rain barrels, freezer stash of homegrown'll want to read every past post in Meg and Kelly's wonderful blog, and follow their journey!

A Posse Ad Esse "From possibility to reality" is the blog of a can-do enjoy and have as a catalyst in turning your own dreams into real elbow-grease endeavors.

Boulderneigh Michelle from Oregon spins a blog about her love of farm, home, raising shetland sheep, and working with beautiful fibers.

Homemaking Homesteader will make you want to find her at home just when taking the homemade (from homeground grains) bread out of the oven...another homesteader who loves to innovate, cook (check out all the crockpot recipes) and homecraft a line of soaps and cleaning products.

Kentucky Hollers Big City girl moves to the Ken-tuck foothills to have her dream of living in the country...and all the fun (and pains) of that journey!

Down on the Farm Follow the days of a farm family at South Peacham, Vermont's Old Shaw Farm.

Raining Sideways Sally Vincent's lush and seasonal writings about life on her Devon farm...reads like poetry :)

Bean Sprouts A great blog from a family in Cheshire, UK....there are gardens and bees and chickens...and a recent post about apple recipes that's currently making me reallllyyyy hungry...

Dancing in a Field of Tansy Creativity, frugality, beauty, and's all here in this Tansy's terrific blog :)

Edifice Rex Candid and honest account of a commercial carpenter and potter in Northeast Alabama builds a homesite built on personal philosophy of treading lightly on the earth, being imaginative, living well, and living affordably.

Muddy Clogs Portland, OR resident gets her shoes dirty implementing urban permaculture principles, growing things and (I'm so jealous) raising chickens.

Urban Hennery Laura's city hens, and a blog for any locale!

OK, there are so many more, but I've got to go for now. Hope you enjoy these as much as I do!

More to come, but later...


  1. "Engaging Retort" LOL I love that! Thanks for the nod Robbyn, I appreciate it. That has to be the best Blogroll Entry I've ever gotten. "Can-do Dreamer" I like it!

    Hope to hear from you over at my place!

  2. Thanks for including us! I love finding new blogs through other folks' blog rolls, so now I'm off to check out your other links.

  3. Hello Robbyn! I just found your blog and me listed in your blogroll! Thanks so much for the nice entry. I have noticed several visits to my site from that entry. I look forward to seeing more of your blog.

  4. Hi, I found your blog via Google, I was searching for info on soapnuts...wandered someplace else and read about a Florida soapnut tree, wandered over here and then was amused to see I'm not the only one wanting to grow raspberries in Florida. I also bought the same plant plus a blackberry (my fav) and have planted them in the back yard. I'm hoping they do well. I love the name of your blog and have bookmarked it for future reading. BTW, any idea if a FL soapberry tree's nuts can be used the same way as the Chinese soapberry tree? For laundry and cleaning?

  5. Thanks, P! I always love blog-cruising, and can't wait to see what you have on yours next :)

    Meg, you're welcome! Love your blog, as you know!

    Rex, you're welcome...I've enjoyed for a long time following your ups and downs as you construct your home yourself...and I particularly love the handcrafted metal truss/beam (ok I dont know the official word for it, but you know what I'm talking about ) :)

    Jeannette, that's a subject that interests my husband and myself, too! the closest I've found online about a Florida native was a Florida soapberry tree, but I've not located anywhere to purchase one..have you? If so, we'd LOVE to have the link! And yes, they CAN be used as a soaping agent, from everything we've read...we'd love to experiment and see just how they might be utilized, similar to the soapnut tree that's being marketed but that is, I think, presently grown in areas such as India or Asia somewhere. I'd love to email you to commiserate further about the Florida plants, but don't see a link or email address. If you'd like to put our heads together, let me know how we might contact you :)


Thank you so much for stopping by my blog...I love to hear your thoughts! I can't always respond immediately to the comments, but I do whenever I get a window of opportunity. I read each and every one, and really appreciate my wonderful blog friends. Thank you for your comment! :)