
Wednesday, January 9, 2008

And now about my Aloe, Vera...

This very special variety is called "Thrives on Neglect," and is the only aloe in my plant repertoire that has ever survived its master's attentions. Or inattention. I prefer calling my gardening style, in the spirit of homeschooling's "unschooling" movement, "ungardening." ;-)

Once again, my work schedule has changed. Two longgggg nights and a regular length one. The long ones are 12 hours each, which knocks my sleeping schedule off, and I feel hung-over getting back on a day schedule the other days. The weather has gone from the 60s now back up to the mid to high 70s...still quite nice, but no danger of freezing at night.

I went out to clean a few patches of the dormant plant bed in front of the house, and found these hardy fellas waiting to greet my bare hands --

...just waiting to take off one of my fingers like a buzz-saw...

I pulled out the dead grass that was waiting to revive, and here was the survivor!

Oh, but wait...
Mr. Aloe's been busy this fall...
twenty plus aloe babies waiting to be replanted..and take over the landscape. My kind of plant!

This sidelines my reputation as being a sure killer of hard-to-kill plants. And now I know that even if none of my hand-nurtured seedlings or purportedly Florida-hardy plant starts ever make it, I can have acres of aloe...(Vera!)

1 comment:

  1. LOL!! I can so relate to this post! I can make miracles happen outdoors (probably because life outdoors doesn't revolve around my attentions...or lack thereof) but indoor plants? I kill 'em all!!


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