
Tuesday, August 28, 2007

What I Did Do, What I Didn't

This afternoon after blogging this morning...

Get the grocery shopping done and have the stuff for slow roasting and cooking so we can eat home-cooked stuff through the week. The fast food isnt cutting it for us healthwise, satisfaction-wise, and budget-wise.

Notice that I have a regular warren of dust bunnies accumulated on my neglected floors. Who says I can't raise animals? ha

Disturb the dust bunnies. Live and let live, I say. At least until my next day off work...

Spend time with my daughter talking.

Convince her that going grocery shopping with me is far more fascinating that hanging out with her friend.

Enjoy my grocery shopping. Ferreted away some amaranth flake cereal and some spelt flake cereals to try for the first time. And some Ezekiel bread granola stuff. If it doesn't taste good, it'll at least keep my teeth plaque-free...ha!

Buy organic milk. Wish we had a supplier of raw milk nearby. The nearest one's somewhere east or north by a couple hundred miles, but there's a way to get on the "milk-running" pipeline of buyers. Pet-grade milk only, of course. At $10 a gallon, we couldnt afford it anyway. At that price, and at the rate we drink milk, we could afford a decent milk cow in less than a year. Wonder if we could hide one in our present backyard?? heh heh (Don't think I haven't thought about that. Just haven't convinced the Hub yet)

get all my uniforms ironed in time to get to bed early. Have to get up at UGH 4 A.M. Did I mention UGHHH?

Sneak away into the air conditioning prior to grocery shopping to a family owned restaurant and had The Best Chicken Soup I've Ever Tasted....made from scratch. I haven't found a diplomatic way to approach their kitchen and beg for the recipe. Maybe I should feature local places on my blog here, doing monthly interviews and suggesting a shared feature recipe? Hmmm, shall think on that. When I have time to think on anything :)

Scribble a more detailed working sketch of "the guest house"...along the lines of a Tiny House, but probably less tiny, since neither of us is a tiny person and we wouldnt want to find ourselves in an Alice in Wonderland predicament without something to nibble to shrink us down to the correct down-the-rabbit-hole proportions. Or, like another childhood story character, we'd be stuck half in and half out like Pooh, who having stuffed himself with too much honey found himself "wedged in a great tightness." Funny the lines that stick with you after a decade of reading children's books...still some of the best reading around :)

Call my husband and flirt with him over the phone. We don't see each other much. But we can still flirt.

Make it home with the groceries, put them away, and gasp like a drowing person, for cool air when I got indoors. It's just SO danged hot outside. Up for cooking...a pack of cut up chicken thighs-with-legs which is kashering in salt water just now and soon to be rubbed down with sea salt and herbs and roasted; some sort of beef...the man has to have his meat, but I'm ambivalent, having begun to be satisfied with veggies and whole grains a lot more since I (ahem) reached a more mellow age. Will slow cook it with a dash of wine and a lot of sauteed mushrooms and onions. Of course, when the time comes, I'm sure I'll force myself to eat some, too...heh heh; um, let's see, there was something else. Oh yes a small "whole young chicken" I'm going to put in the soup pot with fresh herbs, ambitiously attempting to recreate a similar taste experience I had today with the oh so wonderful restaurant soup. I think I tasted a hint of lemon?

Read a couple blogs and get once again sucked into the glorious land of homestead bloggers. This should fuel me till my next off day, and next stolen hours...

Buy the first of a few purchases I need to make for a "jump bag" emergency duffle bag or backpack to be kept at work in cased we're locked down at short notice for a hurricane. Not that I see any hurricanes, but they watch those tropical storm developments like a hawk. Once locked in, you'd better have your supplies, and your families had better have their alternate emergency plans already rehearsed separately. Our plan...J takes R and gets the heck out of Dodge, NOT waiting till the very last minute like he did with Charley before we were married and I was states away....SHEESH

Get to finish my blog To Do list. Yet.

Go now and get some sleep...after popping the eats into slow cook mode. On second thought, those chickens are going to have to be roasted tomorrow...maybe? Argggh, not enough time for everything. Sigh-o-nara for now :)

Oh yeah, and the sketches I did of the guest house? I realllyyyy like them. Let's see if they survive J's practicality editing ;)

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