
Friday, June 8, 2007

Closed for Shabbat

This blog will be closed for the next 24 hours, as is our weekly practice. I am thankful for so many things...namely the Almighty's continued blessings of provision, protection, family, friends...and jobs. He gives in such beautiful ways, and I thank Him!

Congratulations to my daughter, pictured here, who has enchanted me, challenged me, and given me fresh "eyes" for the world around me since the day she was born. Passing on from high school days to college ones is a big transition. It's our joy to get to share in some of that and to see the wings spread and the flights take her to wonderful new places of discovery and learning. The interior life, character, is the one thing we're so glad she's also cultivated.

May YHVH continue to bless and keep you, R, and give you ways to enrich and transform the world around you. Your being "you" already does!

To all friends far and near, and the ones I have yet to meet who may have ventured here for the first time...shabbat shalom :)

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