
Friday, May 4, 2007

Dancing the Limbo

It's not just a sassy dance or a frozen state of's often both.
We're in limbo in both respects...dancing to the beat of deadlines and responsibilities that have bottlenecked now for the next few weeks, and we're in a prolonged waiting stage...

This week has been fraught. The important things have gotten much so that now thinking back on them, it seems like some of them happened last week. The important things got pushed forward. The frustrating things, such as paperwork and no returned phone calls and trying to fit in appointments and phone time between job hours and business hours, got persevered through. Teenage daughter drama also chose this blessed hour to manifest and also be dealt with, hopefully wisely and maturely, but who knows? Her instruction manual came written in Japanese... :) Money was made, spent, and deposited to be spent further. We passed like ships in the night, and sometimes we passed like rusty barges scraping the sides of the Panama Canal, but all were safe at night at home WHEN we were AT home.

This, too, shall pass :)

All's good, and I'm grateful...mostly, that this week is OVER and that the To Do list that was unavoidable is now behind us!

My sweetheart will not be joining me until after 3 AM, due to unforseen circumstances, but we WILL have tomorrow TOGETHER....0h, YAY, baby, YAYYY!!! :) :)

SO grateful for EVERYTHING and especially a comfy bed to crawl into at the end of weeks like this :)

The tomatoes continue to ripen...we've harvested about 20 egg-sized Romas off those two plants, and the heirloom plants have green tomatoes ripening. I took the mesclun that had been planted in the flats, now that it has become bitter in the heat, and crumbled up it and the soil it was planted in, and used that for plant matter in some newly potted pepper and eggplant sprouted seedlings. The rest I used to mulch under the tomato plants. Some of my tomato plants have bottom leaves that are yellowing, but it doesnt seem to be negatively affecting the rest of the plant. We really need rain...I water the plants every day.

I go now to do something mindless I only do when no one else is home. Daughter will be home later, and hubby will be home much I am going to eat salmon "sushi" rolls (it's really smoked salmon) and watch the older version of "Yours, Mine, and Ours," the one with Lucille Ball and Henry Fonda. And take either a really nice hot shower or a longgg soak in the tug with bath salts. And then answer The Call of the Sealy Posture-pedic...ahhhhhh :)

I hope your week was wonderful, full, and fulfilling! May you have a wonderful evening and day!

And no matter how contrary the weather, may your garden grow!


  1. Tomatoes! you lucky devil you! I am a long way away from home grown tomatoes. You should see my potatoes though! I am going to by the deep fryer I have wanted for years since I think red, white,pink and purple french fries are in our future. To bad you weren't closer---we could have tomato sandwiches and purple fries :-D

  2. I've had one of those months, so I feel your exhaustion! I've just changed jobs, adding 14 hours to my weekly work schedule. In my old job I primarily worked afternoons and evenings, with enough Saturday's sprinkled in that I usually took Friday's off. This was ideal because DH works nights; 4 ten hour shifts, and is off on Fridays.
    Well, those idyllic days are gone, and during the week we are reduced to speaking on the phone, and blinking owlishly at each other when either he gets home from work at 1 AM or I am leaving for work at 8. I haven't done mornings for a long time- he has always worked late shifts, and we homeschooled so even when the kids were at home our days started late and easy. I haven't worked full time since 1992, then only the 1 year, teaching, before that it was 1980. I'm wiped out! And I feel like such a whiner, most other people have huge job time requirements, way more than I do. But WAAAAAH- I miss my slow starting AM time, and I feel like a zombie when I get home!

  3. Hi Willa and Monica!

    BAck from the crashed computer fiasco and catching up on the comments here...sorry for the delay!

    Ah, Willa, big hugs! Yes, my work schedule was a big adjustment, too, and I understand how it throws everything else into a bizarre balancing act sometimes! I'm not by nature a morning person, but if I've had enough sleep, I manage and prefer to get "unfun" work out of the way early so I can do the "fun" work the rest of the day when possible...or at least have some breathing room at the end of the day to just relax :)

    Monica, the potatoes sound wonderful! My tomatoes are small, few, and struggling to survive my amateur efforts. But we have enough for one family salad at a time, and the ones that made it are SO much better in flavor than store bought. I guess these are my "practice" tomatoes? heh heh If I'm ever in your neck of the woods, I'll beg some fabulous multi-colored fries...yum!


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