
Monday, April 2, 2007

It's Seder Time!

Well, tonight it will be. And I'm almost there!

Next year....MORE ORGANIZED, MORE PREPARED (I say this every year, ha!)

I have to run to make these last hours count, but thought I'd share with you some of the delightful entries I've been following on a couple of favorite food blogs.

Deb at Smitten Kitchen has once again taken pictures of creations designed to make you instantly salivate and gain weight, just by looking! Her two entries for the Passover event are something I wish I'd been MORE ORGANIZED in planning ahead (see a theme here? ha) Seriously, I am truly going to try these...except when there's more time (because of becoming MORE ORGANIZED?) and there's no pressure that The Big Company Dessert might have an unexpected disaster (cake falls? won't come out of pan and falls apart? gets eaten by husband "by accident" before transporting it to friends' celebration?)

Deb again has de-mystified two desserts which, in my own thinking, were way beyond my basic kitchen prowess.

Here is her flourless and deadly chocolate wonder (do look, and'll see what I mean), and if that weren't enough, at the last minute she made this... lawdy, it's a Pavlova! You have to see the'll see why I'm willing to jump into the shark-infested waters of First Time Attempts when you see how easy she makes it look!

Secondly, Julie at Bad Home Cooking is having a smashing Seder, Morrocan style! See how the story unfolds here, from panic, to tagine, to shared genius!

All in all, gives me something to shoot for in future years, and plenty of dishes to practice in between.

Have a wonderful night of family and remembrance and food.

There is so much for which to be thankful!


1 comment:

  1. Blessed Pesach to you. That tagine over at Bad Cooking is making me covetous. And I know SO many good Moroccan lamb tagine recipes...mmm...tagine.


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